"Papier(s) franco-Japonais"

去る3月15日、特殊切手「切手趣味への招待 〜ロワールのシャトー〜」が発行されました。ロワール川沿いに点在する古城の中でも最も名高い「シャンボール城」と「シュノンソー城」が描かれています。この美しい切手の発行を記念し、京都の関西日仏学院にて「日本とフランスをつなぐ切手と手紙の祭典」が開催されました。
会場内に開設された左京郵便局臨時出張所で行われた記念押印に、exprimeデザインのイベント限定の小型印が使われました。手紙によって育まれていく日本とフランスの絆を、エアメール用封筒とカードに託したデザインです。カードに書かれているのは、Comment allez-vous? 「お元気ですか?」。桜は日本、百合の紋章はフランスのアイコンとしてあしらっています。イベント当日、切手を購入していただいた方には、exprimeデザインの記念押印用ポストカードがプレゼントされました。

On March 15, 2011, the special stamp "Invitation to the Philatelic Hobby - Chateaux of the Loire" was issued. It depicts "Chateau de Chambord" and "Chateau de Chenonceau," two of the most famous chateaux scattered along the Loire River. To commemorate the issue of this beautiful stamp, a "Festival of Stamps and Letters Linking Japan and France" was held at the Institut Franco-Japonais du Kansai in Kyoto.
A small stamp designed by "exprime" was used to commemorate the event at the Sakyo Post Office's temporary post office located at the event site. The design of the airmail envelope and the card were designed to symbolize the ties between Japan and France that are nurtured through letters. The card reads "Comment allez-vous? The card also includes the following words: "Cherry blossoms are Japanese, and lilies are Japanese. The cherry blossoms represent Japan, and the lily emblem is an icon of France. Those who purchased stamps on the day of the event received a postcard for commemorative stamping with the exprime design.
The commemorative stamp of the French Institute of Kansai is also designed by exprime. This dragon-like or salamander-like creature is the "Salamander," which is said to rule fire. It is known that François I, the king of the time and lord of Chambord, used it as his coat of arms. Since the stamp is an expression of lines rather than colors, I added lines like a Celtic pattern to the body of the salamander to emphasize its bravery.